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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 12 septembre 2011


Gap year

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an English expression (also known as sabbatical, time off' and time out) referring to a period of time - not necessarily 12 months in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. Most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking time out after completing their degree; becoming the most common time period to take a trip abroad.
The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad. In 2010, year out travel increased among school, college and university leavers, as this is seen as an attractive option for future career development.
In the United States, the practice of taking a "year off" remains the exception. Taking a year out has recently become slightly more common for Americans.The practice tends used to only prevail for students with some level of personal or family means. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a year out after completing their degree or masters degree; becoming the most common time period to take a travel period or "Sabbatical year" as it is also know in the US.

TASK : Prepare for your gap year :
Each year your school offers 4 students the chance to spend one year in a foreign country.Each group has to present a file. the  best one will be selected.



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