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dimanche 31 mars 2013

2ndes7 correction test "Dian Fossey"

Correction « Dian Fossey »/ compréhension écrite

A)   5pts
Surname : Fossey /1st Name : dian
Native Country :  The USA/ she is American                   State : Kentucky
Studies : she was a preveterinary student                        Job :she was a zoologist
Age when she died :  She died in 1985, she was 52         Place : Africa
Circumstances of her death :She was murdered by poachers

B)4 pts
Affaire : Case
Trouver des financements :raise funds
Gagner la confiance : earn the trust
Etre en détention : be taken into custody
Resumer :summarize
Un bénévole : a volunteer
Braconniers :poachers
Comportement :behaviour

C)Find elements in the text about  4pts
where she went :she went in the mountain forests of Rwanda, Zaire,Uganda
What she wanted to see :She wanted to see gorillas in their natural habitat
What  her techniques consisted in :She imitated the gorilla behavior and was then accepted as an observor by a group of mountain gorillas.

E)1pt le Preterit est utilisé pour faire référence à des faits passés, révolus ; ici présentés sous forme de succession d'évènements.

F)3 pts What problems did she have to face in Africa ? Explain why she must have died.

She was taken in custody in Zaire and then escaped to Uganda to continue her work. She must have been in danger/threatened by the authorities . She may have been killed by the poachers whom she campaigned against.

G)Impact of Dian Fossey’s work 3pts

H)1pt Le temps utilisé pour faire référence à l’impact de l’action de Dian Fossey de nos jours est le présent perfect

I) 4 pts  Explain why she can be seen as a hero
She can be seen as a hero because she discovered the peaceful nature of the gorillas, as well as their family relationship. Consequently she has changed the way people see gorillas. Moreover she fought against poachers to protect this endangered species, risking her life. She has managed to sensitize the world on the fate of gorillas and allowed them to be protected.

dimanche 24 mars 2013

Theatre 2NDES 7

Située dans l’Ecosse médiévale, cette pièce raconte l'histoire de Macbeth, seigneur écossais, et de son étrange rencontre avec trois sorcières qui lui prophétisent qu'il deviendra roi.
Macbeth se transforme alors en un homme égoïste et ambitieux. Poussé par sa femme, il décide de tuer le roi Duncan pour devenir souverain. Mais pour dissimuler son crime, il est contraint à des meurtres de plus en plus nombreux… Il y a toujours un revers à la médaille et le couple sanguinaire commence à souffrir de visions inquiétantes, d'insomnies, et de tourments intérieurs. Macbeth succombe aux puissances du mal et ses crimes finissent par fausser son jugement, empoisonner son imagination et le laisser complètement seul et isolé.

1)http://library.thinkquest.org/23293/Macbeth.html= Summary of the play
The 60 Second Star
(none) | Print-friendly versionMacbeth sits on his stolen throneIs this a dagger which I see before me,
The handle toward my hand?
Macbeth (above), Act II, Scene I
Scotland is once again "the free" this morning, after brave soldier MacDuff cut down butchering bigwig Macbeth.

Murderer Macbeth's relentless rise to power began when he ran into three creepy crones who predicted he'd one day be king. Driven by ambition, he plunged Scotland into a reign of terror, killing anyone who stood in his way.

Wicked Wife
Egged on by his bitter, unstable wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's first horrific crime was to stab rightful King
Duncan to death in a frenzied attack - leaving the throne open for himself.

Then, scared that best mate Banquo suspected him, he arranged for a hit squad to slaughter his old friend. Only by chance did Banquo's young son Fleance escape the three brutal killers who ended his dad's life.

From then on, no-one in Scotland was safe. Men, women and children, including MacDuff's own family, were massacred in their own homes. But the
who's whoContinued below...
Macbeth was originally one of King Duncan's top soldiers. Told he would be King one day by witches, his lust for power made him dangerously unstable, vicious and lonely.
Lady MacbethLady Macbeth
A strong, ambitious woman, Lady Macbeth encouraged her husband in his reckless climb to the top. Eventually, though, she cracked under the pressure.
A strong soldier, Banquo fought side to side with Macbeth. But when witches said his sons would be Scotland's future kings, Macbeth turned against him.
Great warrior MacDuff always suspected Macbeth. Eventually he fled to England to help lead an uprising from there. His wife and children were put to death as revenge.
bloodbath they had caused took its toll even on the vicious Macbeth couple. Haunted by her guilt, Lady Macbeth began sleep- walking and eventuallykilled herself. Her husband, meanwhile, couldn't sleep and claimed to see Banquo's ghost.

Finally, brave MacDuff teamed up with Duncan's son Malcolm, the rightful
heir, and led an English-Scottish army to victory. Camoflagued with branches from nearby Birnam Wood, they crept up on Macbeth's grim stronghold of Dunsinane, forcing the depraved despot out onto the battlefield.

There, MacDuff faced him, beat him down - and made a present of his head to new Scottish King Malcolm.
What they said:
"To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day."
Macbeth, Act V, Scene V
"Out, damned spot! out, I say!
Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?"
Lady Macbeth, Act V, Scene I

AM1 : organizing a trip abroad

Atelier 4/Activitées en autonomie : NEGOCIATING
Visit the websites of 3 travel agencies organizing business visits to London.

I° GROUP A :Choose the study excursions which seem the most interesting to you,
present  B their proposal, their fares, the location of the accommodation to group B etc.

Group B compares those two tailor-made visits for students to London .

Both groups select the best proposal or agency

1) Group A :European study tours

B° Find on those websites the different steps to follow when booking a school trip .

C° Business letter

Write a letter/a mail to one of these travel agencies :
-vous présenterez votre projet de voyage d'intégration( le nombre d’étudiants, vos dates et destination).
-vous demanderez si l’agence s’occupe de groupes venant de France
-vous vous renseignerez sur les tarifs de groupe, les conditions de paiement, les assurances.
-Vous demanderez  un devis pour le voyage sur mesure que vous avez planifié (Précisez les visites choisies)
-Vous précisez que vous avez envoyé la même demande au concurrent
-formules  de politesse usuelles

D°Site français pour préparer notre voyage d'intégration 2014 "team-building trip"

Tales :Gap year

Gap year

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an English expression (also known as sabbatical, time off' and time out) referring to a period of time - not necessarily 12 months in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. Most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking time out after completing their degree; becoming the most common time period to take a trip abroad.
The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad. In 2010, year out travel increased among school, college and university leavers, as this is seen as an attractive option for future career development.
In the United States, the practice of taking a "year off" remains the exception. Taking a year out has recently become slightly more common for Americans.The practice tends used to only prevail for students with some level of personal or family means. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a year out after completing their degree or masters degree; becoming the most common time period to take a travel period or "Sabbatical year" as it is also know in the US.
The advantages of taking a gap year : listening comprehension
-Source of the video extract :
-Nature :
-Topic :
-% of students taking a gap year before entering university :
Compare the various opinions about gap years

1) Marcus William
Complete the following sentence with groups of words: « Some academics are …………………… ; they worry that  if students spend ……………………………………….it may be even more difficult……………………………………. »

His advice to students who intend to take a gap year :

2)Julia Lodge (2mn)
Circle the good answer . « She’s in favour of/ she disagrees with gappers preparing a degree in : engineering/ mathematics / biology » 

According to her, what are the 3 advantages of taking a gap year ? (Use notions of capacity)

3)Mike Ward (2mn31)
Pick up adjectives Mike Ward uses to refer to gappers/ a gap year=

His conclusion : Taking a gap year is …………………………………………………for many students

4)Alice Baines (3mn 18)
Present occupation :
Experience as a gapper  (destination, job, duration) :

Benefits she gained from her experience : (Use capacity : it allows/it enable(d )her to /she (was) able to / she could /)

Quote 6 adjectives she uses to qualify her assets

Her advice:

lundi 4 mars 2013

Tales ES/STMG : entraînement à l'épreuve de CO

Great ! It's holiday time !
 Mais n'oubliez pas que l'épreuve de CO se déroulera le 20/03 donc il vous faut encore vous entraîner. Voici de quoi réviser le dernier thème sur l'immigration (Myths/exchanges), approfondir la notion de mythe (The US DREAM) et commencer la nouvelle thématique "gap year" (Exchanges).

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15068692 Je vous conseille les 2 premières vidéos de 2mn (Situation économique des immigrants)/ pour la compréhension, vous pouvez vous aider de l'article qui accompagne les vidéos

AUDIOS Voici un site très utile qui regroupe les audios selon les notions au programme, le niveau est B1-B2,(niveau assez facile)
Je vous conseille:

1° http://pedagogie2.ac-reunion.fr/cyberprofLV/telechargements/podcaz_Bac_anglais/EE-immigration_now.mp3= Australian immigration now et living together in Australia

http://pedagogie2.ac-reunion.fr/cyberprofLV/telechargements/podcaz_Bac_anglais/IP-Gap_Year_2.mp3= taking a gap year

2°Autre site (chargements plus rapides et bonne qualité de son)
http://www.ac-paris.fr/portail/jcms/p1_581034/the-american-dream= the American Dream by...
3 audios sur le même thème.

3°SPANGLISH http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=1438900
Plus difficile mais un excellent complément à notre cours