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Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 30 septembre 2019

TL : McCarthyism: The Documentary Better Dead than Red Part1

1)What is the Red Scare ?
2)Motto ?
3)When did it take place ?
4)Who initiated it ?
5)What were the Americans afraid of at that time ?
6)In 1950 were the “ Hollywood Ten” the accused or the accusers ? Name 2 of them.
7)What form did the witch hunts take ? Outcome for the accused ?
8)Why did some directors name other actors or directors ?
9)What parallel can be made between the Un-American Committee’s actions and the Salem witch Trials ? Compare the similarities and differences

ANALYSIS : Read the text “ Arthur Miller and the Red Scare”and analyse
9)What parallel can be made between the Un-American Committee’s actions and the Salem witch Trials ? Explain  the similarities and differences
10) What were Miller’s intentions when writing “ The Crucible” ? Use AIM
11) Define the concept of “ witch hunting” which can be applied to the “ Red Scare” and other events in History

TL : McCarthysm: the Red Scare

Choose   2 billboards , describe them (Symbolism, colors, mythical elements, goal and strategy...)and explain how they can be related to Salem's witch hunt.

mardi 17 septembre 2019

Tales/ 1eres : Mars One's human mission to Mars - Destination Mars Trailer

What is Mars
1 ?
did a private company launch this mission ?
How many applicants did they get when they launched the selection ?
What are the qualities required to go on that mission ?
What are the two main potential problems ?
What will the
challenge be once on Mars ? Why was it called a suicide mission ?

According to the document, what is the only condition to make this
mission possible ?



Tales/ 1eres : Stephen Hawking on Space Exploration | National Geographic

What are Stephen Hawkins's arguments about Space exploration ? Is he for or against it ?

Further arguments below :  watch the video and list the economic and scientific achievements made possible thanks to space research

T9/10 et 1eres 8 : Buzz Aldrin's mission to Mars

Identify the arguments in favor or against going to Mars.

Tales/ 1eres 8 : First Man - Official Trailer (HD)


(2018 / First Man : Une plongée en immersion dans la première mission Apollo, des essais infruc-
tueux sur Terre aux premiers pas de Neil Armstrong sur la lune.)

Comment on the slogan « Experience the impossible journey ». 

/ How is the story of the first Apollo mission presented ? in your opinion, is this more a film about a man, or a
film about history / space discovery? What makes you think so ? 

/ In a famous 1962 speech President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said : « We choose to go to the Moon in this
decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard ». Say what is hard about
going to the moon in the trailer. Can you think of other difficulties the Apollo Missions had ? 

dimanche 15 septembre 2019

2ndes : This Man Lives On An Island Paradise... Floating On Trash!

2ndes : Oprah Shines Light On Great Pacific Garbage Patch (VIDEO).flv

Oprah Shines Light On Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Facts : fill in the blanks with words from the video

Scientists believe the …………’s…………garbage dump is in the ……………….ocean ; it is estimated it is …………the size of……..
 The great Pacific ………………pack stretches from the ………….of California all the way to…………. In some places the man-made debris is …………../ …       deep.
Marine biologists estimate that ………….% of the ……million tons of floating trash is all……………. 
In some parts of the ocean there’s already …………….times ………..plastic than plankton, which is …………../    many fish rely on……………..

Causes : Right or wrong ? Correct the mistakes

-People throw their trash directly into the rivers
-70% of plastic comes from the land
-Storms blows the trash to the sea

Make sentences using causes and consequences+causes+ or concession ( Even if/despite/however...)

A The monumental amount of plastic trash / marine mammals / cigarette lighter / the birds’stomachs/ albatros / young turtle / plankton
B  /create an ecological disaster /cost the lives of millions of sea birds/die/caught in fish net ring/Are full of plastic/managed to survive/ disappears/ swallow

BTS SAMA2 : No-deal Brexit: What happens to British tourists? Watch Lingohack

BTS SAM2 = AirBnB ad : Never A Stranger - Airbnb

BTS SAM2 : What is the sharing economy?

dimanche 8 septembre 2019

2ndes : Climate Change: It’s Real. It’s Serious. And it’s up to us to Solve it. ...

2ndes Animation: Climate change, energy & action

2ndes : sauver la planète, penser des futurs possibles

Global warming/green art

Animation about climate change energy and action=

 None like it hot (The simpsons)
The Futurama episode ….…………… a funny ….…………… of Global ….……………. Greenhouse Gases and Sunbeams are personified. The Greenhouse gases are the ….…………… guys who knock down sunbeams which stay in the ….…………… and heat up the Earth’s temperature. The little girl ….…………… if there are ….…………… and the man explains that we can drop giant ….…………… cubes in the sea to ….…………… the temperature of the Earth. It’s a ….……………solution.

2ndes : Global Warming or: none like it hot! (In Animation)

jeudi 5 septembre 2019

TL spé : The Crucible: dance scene

TL : Act 1 Scene 1 of Macbeth - 1971 2006 and 2010

TL : the witches' prophecies

Act 1 Scene 1 of Macbeth - 1971 2006 and 2010

A film clip compilation of the first scene of "Macbeth," where viewers first meet the three witches.

1°Compare the 3 versions (Genre/Setting/historical context/atmosphere (Colours, sound effects...)

What qualities of the witches are the same/different in all or almost all versions?

 3°. Which version of Macbeth has the most
effective use of the witches, according to you?
Is the most appealing to the audience ? Explain why , using multiple details from the film clip.

TL : MACBETH - The Witches - Film Clip

lundi 2 septembre 2019

1ere / Tale First Man - Official Trailer (HD)

Watch the trailer and answer the following questions.
Fill in the following chart about the main characters :
Comment on their relationship.
Is the man portrayed as an American hero ?

b/ What is the atmosphere of the trailer ? Pick out elements (images, music, words...) to justify your answer.
 PERSONALITY (circle the correct words)
quiet loud extrovert funny talkative loving impatient talented enthusiastic introvert excited terrorized humble bad-tempered lunatic caring vain anxious
stressed ambitious vain angry realistic fearful happy loving worried relaxed busy enthusiastic supportive reliable strong excited funny cool caring calm

c/ Which genre(s) does the film belong to ? Justify your answer(s).


Comment on the slogan « Experience the impossible journey ». 

d/ How is the story of the first Apollo mission presented ? 
in your opinion, is this more a film about a man, or a film about history / space discovery? What makes you think so ? 

e/ In a famous 1962 speech President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said : « We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard ». Say what is hard about going to the moon in the trailer. 

Can you think of other difficulties the Apollo Missions had ?
3 / Put the video into perspective
a/ Comment on the title of the film. What/ who does it refer to ? What else could it refer to ? 

b/ Watch the original moonlanding video and compare it to the First Man trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwZb2mqId0A 

What do you think of Damien Chazelle’s recreation of the historic event ?