Welcome to Mrs Le Nair's diary

Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 26 septembre 2011

T1 épreuve orale

Norman Rockwell
1)Little Rock 1957: school desegregation

2)Norman Rockwell: new kids in the neighbourhood

3) Football and racism

4)A new style of tourism  : slum tours

5)Remembering 9/11

mardi 20 septembre 2011

2ndes : Superman - Five for Fighting


I – Pronounce the words corresponding to the following phonetic transcriptions and then, write them down
  1.  [naˆ«iÄv]: ________________
  2.  [strˆÄt]: _____________ 
  3.  [pleˆn]: _____________  
  4.  [driÄm]: _____________
  5.  [«krˆpt\naˆt]: ______________
  6.  [«speß\l]: ________________ 
  7.  [bárd]: __________________
  8.  [k\n«siÄd]: _______________ 
  9.  [flaˆ]: _________________
  10.  [«suÄp\mæn]: _____________
  11.  [«hˆ\r\àz]: ________________ 
  12.  [«kreˆzi]: _________________
II Now, complete this song with the words you found. (One word can be used several times) _______________________ by Five For Fighting

I can’t stand to _____________ 
I’m not that ______________ 
I’m just out to find 
the _______________ of me
I’m more than a __________
...I’m more than a ______________ 
I’m more than some _________ face beside a train

I wish that ___________________
 Fall upon ______________________
 Find _____________ to lie 
About a home _______________________

It may sound ......................but don’t be ___________ 
Even ____________ have the right to _____________________
 I may be disturbed...but won’t you ____________ 
Even ____________ have the right to _______________ 
And it’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
 Well it’s all right...you can all sleep _________________
 I’m not _____________... or anything...

I can’t stand to ____________ 
I’m not that _____________ 
________________ weren’t meant to ride
 With _________________ between their knees
I’m only a man in ____________________________
 Digging for ____________ on this one way _____________
 Only a man _____________________ Looking for ____________ things inside of me Inside of me 
Inside me 
Yeah, inside me 
I’m only a man _________________I’m only a man Looking for a _______________
It’s not easy to be me

III-Pair/group work : Prepare an oral account of the song
-Define who is the "hero", his characteristics
-What is the hero doing ?
-Explain the feelings of the protagonist in the song (The tone of the song)
-Contrast his official and inner personality (Use comparison)
-Oppose what he feels he MUST do and CAN’T do (Use obligation and incapacity/ absence of permission)
-Explain what his dreams and frustrations are . (Use wish)
-Give your opinion about the song .

Useful words
To be looked up to, to be admired
To be weak (faible)
To be powerful
To be famous, successful
To be considered a hero
To be sensitive
To be sad, desperate
Moving, touching
A celebrity
Strength (force), power(s)
Flaws (défauts), imperfections
Duty (devoir)
Destiny, fate
A curse (malédiction), a blessing (bénédiction)
To experience, to feel
To wish to, to want to+V, to hope for sth, to dream of –ing, to long for
To take away
To escape from, run away from

lundi 19 septembre 2011

List of superhuman features and abilities in fiction

2ndes 3 : Heroes trailer

Watch and listen to the trailer and fill in the blanks

For thousands of years, have shared the same basic traits, but all that is about to .
“Camera ready?” “Yeah, OK ! Oh, my god, oh my god, Claire? Claire?”
All over the world, ordinary people are discovering extraordinary .
“This is the single coolest thing that to town like a hundred of years.”

“Something is happening to me. I’ve busted every in my body. I’ve walked through ! And I haven’t got a on me !”
“I woke up this morning, and when I got out of bed, my foot hovered off the ground, just for a split second, like I was .”
“Tony, I think I can .”
“Hey!” “I opened the this morning and there it is. The exact image I three weeks ago.” “This is just a . You could have painted it this morning.” “This one I painted this morning.”
“I’m voices in my head. I’m hearing people’s .”
“As crazy as it , there is something to it.” “It’s just a theory” “It’s .”
“I need you to know I would never let happen to you... I can fell someone is watching me. Someone that I can’t see… Michael…”
“Yetta !(???) [I did it]”
“Did you ever get the like you were meant to do something ?”
“they’re here, us, ordinary people finding something in themselves. The world them, and their time has come.”
Exercises made by Miss FERNANDES on http://englishingambier.over-blog.com/

Use the following expressions to make sentences expressing the characters’ capacities: Have the ability to do sth / have the capacity to do sth / can / is able to / is capable of... _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

2ndes 3 : Jetman Flight at Grand Canyon West

In May 2011, Jetman achieved a beautiful and memorable flight in the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA...Yves Rossy (born 27 August 1959 in Neuchâtel) is a Swiss pilotinventor and aviation enthusiast. He is the first person to achieve sustained human flight using ajet-powered fixed wing strapped to his back. This jet pack has led to his being nicknamed Jet Man, Rocket Man and Fusion Man.

Your task : Prepare an oral account of the video: description (Formes en ING et simples), your opinion about this experiment. 
To what extent can we say that Yves Rossy is a modern "superhero" ? Compare with  fictional superheroes you like or know.
(Use notions of opinion, comparison )

Try to give an answer to the following questions.
- What is a superhero?

Where can you find superheroes?
- What are their usual features?
- How do you call their opponents/enemies?

mardi 13 septembre 2011

Anti-Government Outrage Grows In Greece

mardi 13 septembre 2011

BTS AM2: about  the EU  "Anti-Government Outrage Grows in Greece"


Answer the following questions in English
a-What are the citizens doing ?
b-Why are they wearing masks ?
c-Quote the two different reasons of their "outrage"
d-What does the Greek government resort to(avoir recours à) the EU for ?
e-On the contrary what do Greek citizens want ?
f-What do they blame the EU for ?
g-What do Greek residents reproach their politicians for ?

Fill in the following sentences with words from the newscaster
"Greece now has fallen under the control of ........ and ...........losing its ................and ...................."
"They are .....................on purpose"
"Greek ...................stems from the public ....................that for years .................politicians have been ................../ ...................from the state coffers and various bribery(corruption) .................."

Give an adjective to qualify the Greeks' feelings:

Words from the video : Listen again from the start and find the equivalents of
une manifestation=                                               un manifestant=
les dépenses publiques=
coupures budgétaires=
les impôts=
un sauvetage=
la bourse=
SORTIE THEATRE , mardi 14 mars 2012. A VERDICT OF SORCERY, compagnie "Drama Ties"
Spectacle en anglais pour  les terminales ES 6 et 1ères 8

Salem, 1692, Mathieu assiste impuissant et incrédule à la mise à mort d’une sorcière… Comment est-il passé de la réalité virtuelle de sa messagerie à un véritable cauchemar éveillé?
Attiré dans les couloirs du temps par les pouvoirs magiques de la jeune Anne, les deux adolescents résussiront-ils, malgré tout ce qui les sépare, à changer le cours du destin?
Verdict of Sorcery, une histoire dans l’Histoire, une aventure drôle, époustouflante et émouvante, un nouveau voyage initiatique aux frontières du fantastique…
A ne manquer sous aucun prétexte!
Regardez un documentaire de cinq courts épisodes complémentaires sur le “Making Of” Verdict of Sorcery sur YouTube

Verdict of Sorcery 2010-2011

VOS webisode 4: Hell Week!

lundi 12 septembre 2011

AM2 : Green business travel


Gap year

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is an English expression (also known as sabbatical, time off' and time out) referring to a period of time - not necessarily 12 months in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. Most commonly taken after secondary school and before starting university. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking time out after completing their degree; becoming the most common time period to take a trip abroad.
The practice of taking a deferred year developed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. During this time, a student might travel, engage in volunteer work overseas or undertake a working holiday abroad. In 2010, year out travel increased among school, college and university leavers, as this is seen as an attractive option for future career development.
In the United States, the practice of taking a "year off" remains the exception. Taking a year out has recently become slightly more common for Americans.The practice tends used to only prevail for students with some level of personal or family means. However, over recent years there has been an increase in 21-23 year olds taking a year out after completing their degree or masters degree; becoming the most common time period to take a travel period or "Sabbatical year" as it is also know in the US.

TASK : Prepare for your gap year :
Each year your school offers 4 students the chance to spend one year in a foreign country.Each group has to present a file. the  best one will be selected.



What is a Gap Year?

TASK 1ères 8/ T1 : prepare an oral account.
Watch the video and sum up in your own words what a gap year  consists in.

You should be able to answer the following questions : 
What does it consist in ?
When do students take it ?
What asset(s) (= atout )does it bring to their professional career (CV/ résumé) ?
How does it contribute to their personal fulfillment (= épanouissement)? 

The advantages of taking a gap year

1ères 8- T6 .The advantages of taking a gap year : listening comprehension
-Source of the video extract :
-Nature :
-Topic :
-% of students taking a gap year before entering university :
Compare the various opinions about gap years

1) Marcus William
Complete the following sentence with groups of words: « Some academics are …………………… ; they worry that  if students spend ……………………………………….it may be even more difficult……………………………………. »

His advice to students who intend to take a gap year :

2)Julia Lodge (2mn)
Circle the good answer . « She’s in favour of/ she disagrees with gappers preparing a degree in : engineering/ mathematics / biology » 

According to her, what are the 3 advantages of taking a gap year ? (Use notions of capacity)

3)Mike Ward (2mn31)
Pick up adjectives Mike Ward uses to refer to gappers/ a gap year=

His conclusion : Taking a gap year is …………………………………………………for many students

4)Alice Baines (3mn 18)
Present occupation :
Experience as a gapper  (destination, job, duration) :

Benefits she gained from her experience : (Use capacity : it allows/it enable(d )her to /she (was) able to / she could /)

Quote 6 adjectives she uses to qualify her assets

Her advice:

BTS CO Best Job in the World /Group B

BEST JOB IN THE WORLD :  comprehension & communication exercise

 Object of the game : Guetting a job/finding the proper employee  / asking for and providing information.

GROUP  B : you have seen the « Best Job in the World » campaign launched on TV and , as a job seeker,  have decided to apply for the job .
Task 1 : Browse the following websites to guess the profile of the applicants and prepare your CV accordingly.(See Group A)

Task 2 : Write down  your arguments to convince the  recruiter that you are the best  person for the  job . Ask for further information.
Focus on :
-Your work experience :

- your motivation for the job :

-skills (+Computer literacy, languages spoken…)

-Personal assets :

-Your interests

-why you would like to work abroad :

-what experience you expect to gain from it :

Task 3 :BOTH GROUPS : ACT OUT THE SCENE at the job center :
 Students from both  groups will mingle interviewing or being interviewed as many times as possible, then members from group A will elect the best appliquant from  group B, and explain why .

Best Job short story

BTS CO1 :The best job in the world

BEST JOB IN THE WORLD :  comprehension & communication exercise

 Object of the game : Getting a job/finding the proper employee/asking for and providing information.

GROUP A :  you are the head hunters working for Queensland Tourist  Board. Your task : finding  the  best appliquant among  the 34,000 competitors for the « best job in the world 

Task 1 : Gather as much information as possible on the job and fill in the following grid.
You will find further information on the following websites : http://islandreefjob.com/ about-the-best-job+http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/6924614/Best-job-in-the-world-took-its-toll-on-tired-Briton.html

Job title :

Start date :

Duration :

Company description :

Position offered :

Location :

Job description :

Salary /remuneration:

Working conditions :

Essential requirements :
languages spoken
Work experience

Essential qualities required :


This map is labeled "How Americans see Europe," but the fact is the vast majority of Americans don't know of Belarus or Macedonia, so it's really about how Europeans see other Europeans.

Real English Lesson 13a Long CC (subtitled) - Americans

Watch the following video, pick up all the adjectives defining American people as seen by the British and classify them according to : assets/qualities and defects. then give your opinion about this vision (Reality or clichés ?)