Welcome to Mrs Le Nair's diary

Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

dimanche 18 septembre 2011

2ndes 3 : Jetman Flight at Grand Canyon West

In May 2011, Jetman achieved a beautiful and memorable flight in the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA...Yves Rossy (born 27 August 1959 in Neuchâtel) is a Swiss pilotinventor and aviation enthusiast. He is the first person to achieve sustained human flight using ajet-powered fixed wing strapped to his back. This jet pack has led to his being nicknamed Jet Man, Rocket Man and Fusion Man.

Your task : Prepare an oral account of the video: description (Formes en ING et simples), your opinion about this experiment. 
To what extent can we say that Yves Rossy is a modern "superhero" ? Compare with  fictional superheroes you like or know.
(Use notions of opinion, comparison )

Try to give an answer to the following questions.
- What is a superhero?

Where can you find superheroes?
- What are their usual features?
- How do you call their opponents/enemies?

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