Welcome to Mrs Le Nair's diary

Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

jeudi 23 novembre 2017

1S3 : Apple 1984 Super Bowl Commercial Introducing Macintosh Computer (HD)

Compare and contrast the messages of these two videos/ Use WISH: aim at+Ving/ point to/ Wish to/ to

 target/ USE REPROACH : to blame for+ving/to reproach with ou for +Ving/ to criticize with...


+ 2° https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbmgV7Oyp0w&t=141s

IDIOTS, iphone parody

1S3 : Original Little Boxes


Weeds Intro Season 1 Original Little Boxes (HQ)Résultat de recherche d'images pour "campbell soup warhol"

2ndes / CNET News - Digital detox camp: Hand over your phone, get a cookie.

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

1S3 : The Lunch Date

Hurrying down the platform to catch a train in New York's Grand Central Terminal, a well-off white woman bumps into a black man...

BTS AM2 : The Airbnb Of Car-Renting (Comes To Chicago)

 Compte rendu oral en ANGLAIS

Présenter le document

Dégager 5 ou 6 idées principales reformulées (Attention, pas de sous titres !)

Conclure en donnant votre opinion et en comparant avec Uber

dimanche 5 novembre 2017

TS/ The idea of Progress : the future of robotics

Robots replacing humans in a near future: Is it for the best ?

1)Watch the video and list all the high tech devices used to assist human beings in this dystopian future

2) Are robots helpful to humans ? Can they interact with human beings ?

3) What are the pros and cons of this " starliner"society, according to you  ?

4) What are the similarities with today's society ?

5) What can you conclude about the film director's vision of humanity in the future ?

mardi 26 septembre 2017

TL : McCarthysm: the Red ScareC

Choose   2 billboards , describe them (Symbolism, colors, mythical elements, goal and strategy...)and explain how they can be related to Salem's witch hunt.

lundi 25 septembre 2017

1S3 : The Ernest Green Story 1957/ civil rights heroes

Show students what conditions were like for the Little Rock Nine, a group of courageous black students who enrolled in an all-white Arkansas high school. As a senior, Ernest Green withstood harassment and restrictive conditions for a chance to get a better education and uphold our Constitution.

1S3 : Little Rock Nine, civil rights heroes

The Little Rock Nine became an integral part of the fight for equal opportunity in American education when they dared to challenge segregation in public schools by enrolling at the all-white Central High School in 1957.

Elisabeth Eckford's story

mardi 19 septembre 2017

TS: sites pour améliorer sa compréhension orale en autonomie

Tales S : CO bac pour entraînement régulier en autonomie

Compréhension orale au Bac : site pour vous entraîner avant l'examen

http://www.franglish.fr/bac2013/bac2013.html ( grand choix de MP3 Classés par notion/pas de corrigé)
http://www.franglish.fr/co_stg/index.htm (Pour les LV2 : plus faciles avec scripts et corrigés pour vérifier votre  compréhension)

  Plus simple pour les élèves niveau A2/B1 : Audio Lingua et ELLLO

Cette banque sonore collaborative propose des enregistrements mp3 en plusieurs langues. L'Internaute peut les sélectionner en fonction de critères très différents (langue, niveau du cadre, thème, âge du locuteur, durée...). Sripts et questions fournis.

3° Site académique d'entrainement à la CO : banque de sujets d'examens

http://cle.ens-lyon.fr/anglais/banque-de-documents-pour-l-entrainement-a-l-epreuve-de-comprehension-de-l-oral-du-baccalaureat-178314.kjsp? (Audios par thèmes et scripts en anglais dans "accédez à nos ressources")

130 podcasts gratuits  par thème avec transcription et notes de vocabulaire.

4° Sites anglo-saxons / Niveau plus difficile B2-C1 sans transcription
Vous trouverez des audios et videos suivant l'actualité provenant de la presse étrangère : BBC/ The Guardian/The Economist /CNN


Podcasts pour les futurs élèves de prépa scientifique ( Sans script..):

lundi 18 septembre 2017

2ndes : applying for the casting of a TV show/ tache finale

Exemple de tâche finale de notre unité 1: introducing oneself/ applying for a casting

Vous remarquerez l'utilisation des notions de goûts/ adjectifs qualificatifs

2ndes : introduce yourself

1S : History of the Civil Rights Movement


Listening Comprehension 2

Key dates of the Civil Rights Movements in the USA.

Complete your timeline with the dates you hear!

  • ................. End of the American Civil War + End of slavery

  • ................. All eligible whit male citizens were able to vote but Blacks

    were discouraged from voting by acts of violence.

  • ................. Plessy vs Ferguson case = Racial segregation maintained in

    private businesses and schools. Jim Crow laws meant that Blacks were

    treated as second class citizens.

  • ................. National Association for the Advancement of Colored

    People ( NAACP) was created.

  • ............ - ............ Expansion of White supremacist group Ku Klux Klan

  • ............. Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka case ruled

    segregation in school illegal.

  • ............. First desegragated schools opened.

  • ............. Montgomery Bus Boycott in support of Rosa Parks.

  • ............. Little Rock Nine students allowed in a school of Arkansas.

  • ............. Universities began integrating too.

  • ............. President Kennedy proposed a Civil Rights bill to Congress.

  • ............. The law is approved.

  • ............. Martin Luther King led the March on Washington.

  • ............. Blacks start to vote + riots in Watts, Los Angeles.

  • ............. Malcolm X was assassinated.

  • ............. Martin Luther King + Robert Kennedy were assassinated.

  • ............. Barack Obama was elected. 

dimanche 17 septembre 2017


TS2 : Planning annuel de l’aide personnalisée en anglais (Mme LE NAIR)
Mardi semaine Q1  13h25   S105

G1 : mercredi 20/09 ( 12h) ; mardi 28/11 ; 23/01 ; 27/03
G2 : mardi 3/10; 12/12 ; 6/02 ; 10/04
G3 : 14/11 ; 09/01 ; 13/03 ; 22/05 ?

G1 : Ambrass/Auclair/Baalouche/Bierry/Bossard/Cleach/CoTan/Daoud/David/Daviot/Dernys/Digout
G2 : Dujardin/Dupont/FrereB/Gomard/Ibanez/Jhilil/Kamphousone/Lalanne/Matias/Mendes/ Taguengayte/Vincent
G3 : Ozgul/Picard A/Picard L/Plouchard/Pop/Raffin/Ribeiro/Tison/Trang/Vandal/Vanneville L

Pas de cours d’AP le 17 octobre du fait du voyage aux USA.
Les cours de mai et juin seront à revoir et préciser en fonction de mes convocations pour examens de BTS.

Les cours d’AP sont obligatoires.

jeudi 14 septembre 2017

BTS AM2 : This Startup Sends Travelers on Vacation to Destinations Unknown | NBC N...

MasterChef: The Professionals | First Look


2ndes 5/10 : The Amazing Race Australia 2011 SNEAK PEEK


The official Britain's Got Talent 2012 TV trailer

The official Britain's Got Talent 2012 TV trailer


2ndes 5/10 : introductions

Unit 1 Guetting to know one another
Oral comprehension  : http://www.elllo.org/english/Mixer001/T017-Introductions.htm (A2)

Mixer #17 Introductions . Six people introduce themselves and say something about their country.

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Anita says Taiwan ________. 

2) What does Jeyong think about Korean food? 

3) Martin says the University of Washington is _______. 

4) Naomi spends her time at home _______. 

5) Marion says that Ireland is good for ______. 

6) Akane says Canada is a good place for _____. 

7) Two people like to _______ at home. 

 Now it's your turn to introduce yourself in the same way as Mickey :http://www.elllo.org/video/M001/M017Introduction.htm

Focus on : your name, place of residence, family situation, likes  (Favourite activities, hobbies) and dislikes, your personality.

Reminder : I like, I'm fond of, I'm crazy about, I'm keen on, I enjoy +VING/ I dislike, I hate, I can't stand, I can't bear, I don't enjoy +VING

lundi 19 juin 2017

BTS AM : Why Commute? Just 'Beam' to Work

Introduce the document

.  1°  Find information about the system and how it works.

.   2° Make a list of possible reasons to use this system.

Find who the target markets of this system are

 4° Identify the main difference between this system and a traditional teleconferencing device.

lundi 8 mai 2017

BTS AM1 : Tour of a fake Apple Store in China

BTS AM1 : Amazon counterfeiting concerns: Brands want online retailer to crack dow...

TS / plan dernière notion : Spaces and exchanges

The Hispanic immigration in the USA/ Spaces and Exchanges

" The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion :« An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. A continuous circulation of people, ideas, or money . »
To illustrate this notion i have chosen to deal with the topic of the Hispanic immigration in the USA. For this topic « spaces and exchanges » can be associated with the circulation of people across the  border, economic, social but also cultural exchanges. The space we are going to deal with is the US-Mexican border separated by a wall.

INTRO : D.Trump promised during the elections  he would extend the US-Mexico border wall to curb the Mexican immigration to the USA and therefore preserve the Englishness of the country/ English as the dominant language of the USA. (Give Statistics about the latino poulation in the USA)

We can  thus wonder :

What is the impact of the Hispanic immigration on the US economy/ society and personal exchanges at the US-Mexico border ?

OU  What are the different types of exchanges at the US-Mexico border ? What is the impact of such exchanges on people's lives ?

1°Why such exchanges and circulation across the border ? The push and pull factors of the Hispanic immigration in the USA (Different  populations and motivations for coming in the USA )

 2° The US_Mexico border : the wall issue
Conflicting economical / political / environmental and social views about the Hispanic  immigration to the USA

A° Trumps arguments  in favor of its extention
B° Counter arguments/ arguments against the wall

 3°Social and cultural exchanges : A « Tex –Mex » population

Conclusion :  Is immigration detrimental or beneficial to the USA ? or more generally to any countrys economy  or society. Summarize and give your opinion

Branching out : this leads us to the notion « Myth and heroes » through the  myth of the USA dream, which is the main push & pull  factor of the Hispanic immigration to the USA

Attention de baser votre présentation sur les documents étudiés en classe (Vidéo ou/et textes), citez les sources.