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lundi 12 septembre 2011

The advantages of taking a gap year

1ères 8- T6 .The advantages of taking a gap year : listening comprehension
-Source of the video extract :
-Nature :
-Topic :
-% of students taking a gap year before entering university :
Compare the various opinions about gap years

1) Marcus William
Complete the following sentence with groups of words: « Some academics are …………………… ; they worry that  if students spend ……………………………………….it may be even more difficult……………………………………. »

His advice to students who intend to take a gap year :

2)Julia Lodge (2mn)
Circle the good answer . « She’s in favour of/ she disagrees with gappers preparing a degree in : engineering/ mathematics / biology » 

According to her, what are the 3 advantages of taking a gap year ? (Use notions of capacity)

3)Mike Ward (2mn31)
Pick up adjectives Mike Ward uses to refer to gappers/ a gap year=

His conclusion : Taking a gap year is …………………………………………………for many students

4)Alice Baines (3mn 18)
Present occupation :
Experience as a gapper  (destination, job, duration) :

Benefits she gained from her experience : (Use capacity : it allows/it enable(d )her to /she (was) able to / she could /)

Quote 6 adjectives she uses to qualify her assets

Her advice:

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