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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 30 septembre 2019

TL : McCarthyism: The Documentary Better Dead than Red Part1

1)What is the Red Scare ?
2)Motto ?
3)When did it take place ?
4)Who initiated it ?
5)What were the Americans afraid of at that time ?
6)In 1950 were the “ Hollywood Ten” the accused or the accusers ? Name 2 of them.
7)What form did the witch hunts take ? Outcome for the accused ?
8)Why did some directors name other actors or directors ?
9)What parallel can be made between the Un-American Committee’s actions and the Salem witch Trials ? Compare the similarities and differences

ANALYSIS : Read the text “ Arthur Miller and the Red Scare”and analyse
9)What parallel can be made between the Un-American Committee’s actions and the Salem witch Trials ? Explain  the similarities and differences
10) What were Miller’s intentions when writing “ The Crucible” ? Use AIM
11) Define the concept of “ witch hunting” which can be applied to the “ Red Scare” and other events in History

TL : McCarthysm: the Red Scare

Choose   2 billboards , describe them (Symbolism, colors, mythical elements, goal and strategy...)and explain how they can be related to Salem's witch hunt.

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