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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

dimanche 3 mai 2020

TL : In dystopian 'Handmaid's Tale,' a warning for a new generation not to ta...


Explain in a few words what is the context of this dystopian world, (what is the setting/the plot/

Political system ? Aim of the regime 3mn40 )

What have women become in this world ? Why ? Define their role

The genre

How does Atwood define her genre ?  (1mn37-2mn)

What were Atwood's inspirations for  the novel ?

( 3mn40-4:00)

According to the producers what are the different forms of dystopia ?

(5mn23-6mn) What are the parallels with Donald Trump's America ? To what extent does fiction reflect reality ? (Name 3 rights which are threatened  by Trump's administration)

How does Margaret Atwood's dystopia reflect reality ?

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