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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

dimanche 24 mai 2020

1eres Scotland/Brave: Fight Scene!

TASK 5 : Identify in this passage the traditional elements of Scottish culture.

Define what the scottish are famous for ( What they are said/thought  to be) / the clichés about their personality. ( use adjectives)

TASK 6 : About piping/ Synthèse de textes et CO type E3C3


The regimental piper has long been at the heart of the Scottish military. In the Great War, their role was beyond belief.

For four hundred years or more, Highland regiments advanced and attacked to the sound of the bagpipes. In the Great War, pipers climbed out of the trenches, unarmed, to face machine guns and shells. The descendants of those men return to the battlefields to discover individual stories of unparalleled bravery.

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