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lundi 8 juin 2015

BTS AM : global warming



WEBQUEST QUIZ: global warming

I-Definition. Choose the right answer .
-Global warming is : when the earth eats up / cools down  because the greenhouse gases hide the sun rays/ trap the  sun’s heat .

-These greenhouse gases have intensified due to : factory fumes/ oil consumption/ weather changes

-The greenhouse effect  has only a negative impact on man as well as on the earth.

-Electricity causes pollution .

-In the last century our temperature  has risen   from 1,2 to 1,4 ° C.

-Because of global warming (warmer temperatures) plants bloom earlier and don’t produce pollen anymore .

-Mountain ranges are getting smaller and smaller.

-how do you say “inondation” in English?
Un polluant ? Produits chimiques ? le pétrole ? le charbon ?

-What is the French for ?: “Layer” ,“ice melting” ,“thunderstorms”, “factories”, “ vehicle exhaust fumes” “rise”

-2008/ 2005 /1998/1988 was the warmest year in measured history .

-how many lakes in the Arctic have disappeared due to global warming ? 25/125/225 ?
-The burning of oil and fossil fuels has released 700 million/ 70 billion/700 billion  of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

-How many degrees separate us from the last ice age ? 4°?10°?20 °?

-In the last 30 years the extent of arctic sea ice has been shrinking (Rétrécir) by :4% ?8% ? 10% ?30%

V-Complete the sentence:
-Owing to global warming the sea……. So that water …………………. As a consequence  animals and plants………………………………….

-Acid rain…………………………………….causing the destruction of ………………………..
-When temperatures rise, the forests………………………………………

-Leonardo Dicaprio blames Oil .. ……………………….

-He criticizes politicians………………………………………….., they don’t do the necessary measures to  protect the environment because………………………………………………………………………..

VI-Using the words below explain the  consequences of global warming : droughts / waves/storms /flooding/ sea levels/ arctic sea ice /coral reefs/ animal species /pollen+allergies/ soils/  long- dormant diseases/mosquitoes

VII-According to Leonardodi Caprio what should be done to stop  global warming ? Use the following words in your answers.
Oil/ renewable energy sources / slow down/ wind / solar panels/

What does he want us to do ?
efficiently/ vote/ support/environmentalists/ join / think/

 List everyday actions that could be done to reduce CO2 emission. (Utilisez le conseil)

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