Welcome to Mrs Le Nair's diary

Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

samedi 7 janvier 2012

2ndes 3:Test Your Awareness : Whodunnit?

WHODUNIT: Test your Awareness with Do The Test's Whodunnit. Who Killed Lord Smithe? How observant are you? How did you do?

1.What type of document is it?
2. Keywords you heard.
3. Topic.
4. Who are the characters?
5. What were they doing at the time of the murder?
6. Who is the murderer? How did he know ?
7. Focus on the last question. Why do you think the detective says so?
8. Now watch the end of the video. What’s the real topic of the document?

Transport for London : In a classic gathering of murder suspects in a drawing room the ad aims to make drivers and cyclists aware of just how easy it is to miss something you're not looking for, and by extension to not see one another on the road.

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