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mercredi 4 février 2015

Tales : Hispanics in the USA/Spaces and exchanges

The United States Hispanic of America

Projections of the US 2010 Census shows Latinos continue to become a bigger chunk of the US population. With those huge numbers, come a series of political and social changes to the country. RT's Ramon Galindo goes beyond the numbers to show how Latino families are changing America.


Associate the following words with their translation

Law enforcement
The electorate

La croissance
Les électeurs
Personnes chargées de faire respecter la loi :
Très répandu/général
Légal/légitime :

 -This report deals with (Choose the right answer): illegal immigration in the US/ The impact of latinos in US culture and political life/ the new generation of US latinos’future /

-What is the new phenomenon touching the Latino community ?(Several answers): increasing immigration/a population boom / increasing political role / growing wealth/

-Today, according to the 2010 census, the latinos are moving : to the cities/ to the rural parts of the USA ?

-What is the reaction of some conservative white residents ?
What do they fear ?
What do they want (See billboard) ?

-List the problems the latinos have to face in the USA = (In politics/ in their everyday life/at work)
Find the statistics corresponding to :
-Number of latinos living in the USA :
-the Latino electorate in California :
-Population growth :
-Latino citizens Under the age of 18 :

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