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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

dimanche 11 mars 2012

1ères8 : Thanksgiving G2

Prepare an oral account about Thanksgiving , watching the following videos and browsing the web. Prepare a series of questions to test Group1's knowledge (Easy ones, don't be too demanding !)
The English colonists we call Pilgrims celebrated days of thanksgiving as part of their religion. But these were days of prayer, not days of feasting.
Our national holiday really stems from the feast held in the autumn of 1621 by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag to celebrate the colony's first successful harvest. 

1) http://www.scholastic.com/scholastic_thanksgiving/feast/ (Interactive museum)

2)http://www.history.com/topics/thanksgiving/videos#history-of-the-thanksgiving-holiday (Video) http://www.history.com/videos/history-of-the-thanksgiving-holiday (URL)

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