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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

dimanche 16 décembre 2012

Gun Laws in the USA


3)Gun debate : cartoons

As of 2009, the United States has a population of 307 million people.

* Based on production data from firearm manufacturers, there are roughly 300 million firearms owned by civilians in the United States as of 2010. Of these, about 100 million are handguns.

* Based upon surveys, the following are estimates of private firearm ownership in the U.S. as of 2010:

 Households With a Gun Adults Owning a Gun Adults Owning a Handgun
Percentage 40-45% 30-34% 17-19%
Number 47-53 million 70-80 million 40-45 million

* A 2005 nationwide Gallup poll of 1,012 adults found the following levels of firearm ownership:

 Percentage Owning
a Firearm
Households 42%
Individuals 30%
Male 47%
Female 13%
White 33%
Nonwhite 18%
Republican 41%
Independent 27%
Democrat 23%

* In the Bill of Rights, the Second Amendment to the Constitution reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

* Gun control proponents have argued and some federal courts have ruled that the Second Amendment does not apply to individual citizens of the United States but only to members of militias, which, they assert, are now the state National Guard units. In 2002, a federal appeals court panel ruled that "the people" only "have the right to bear arms in the service of the state."

* Gun rights proponents have argued and some federal courts have ruled that the Second Amendment recognizes "an individual right to keep and bear arms." In 2001, a federal appeals court panel ruled that the Second Amendment "protects the right of individuals, including those not then actually a member of any militia or engaged in active military service or training, to privately possess and bear their own firearms...."
 (Just Facts is a non-profit research and educational institute)

CNN :Gun control: Change is possible -- and fast

1)Obama 'Sceptical' About More Guns In Schools :The president vows to do all he can to prevent a re-occurrence of what he called the "worst day" of his presidency.Barack Obama has voiced scepticism about proposals to put armed guards in schools, following the Sandy Hook massacre of 20 children and six adults.http://news.sky.com/story/1031611/obama-sceptical-about-more-guns-in-schools

http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/16/opinion/australia-gun-laws/index.html?eref=editionDecember 16, 2012 
3)How will Newtown shootings change the US gun debate?http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20742508 (Report+video)
The Connecticut school shootings have horrified America. But what impact, if any, will they have on the nation's gun laws?Gun, US flag4)Obama's tears(Video):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP1blMoveZY
Barack Obama en larmes suite à la fusillade de Newton et appelle à la solidarité nationale

jeudi 13 décembre 2012

Chers élèves, je serai absente du 13/12 au 17/12 inclus pour raisons de santé . Veuillez m'en excuser et soyez assurés que je ferai tout (Si tout va bien...) pour rattraper le programme à la rentrée des vacances de Noël, en particulier pour les terminales et BTS .
A mardi j'espère ! Keep you posted.

jeudi 6 décembre 2012

TES1 :Google is Watching You - The Master Plan

Google Inc.  is an American multinational corporation which provides Internet-related products and services, including internet search, cloud computing, software and advertising technologies. Advertising revenues from AdWords generate almost all of the company's profits.
The company was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while both attended Stanford University. Together, Brin and Page own about 16 percent of the company's stake. Google was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998, and its initial public offering followed on August 19, 2004. The company's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful" and the company's unofficial slogan is "Don't be evil". In 2006, the company moved to its current headquarters in Mountain View, California.Google has been estimated to run over one million servers in data centers around the world, and process over one billion search requests and about twenty-four petabytes of user-generated data every day.
As of October 2012, Alexa listed the main U.S.-focused google.com site as the Internet's second most visited website and numerous international Google sites as being in the top hundred, as well as several other Google-owned sites such as YouTube and Blogger. Google also ranks number two in the BrandZ brand equity database. The dominant market position of Google's services has led to criticism of the company over issues including privacy, copyright, and censorship

TES1 et CFE :Teacher Fired Over Photos Posted on Facebook

Watch the 3 first minutes of the following report

lundi 26 novembre 2012

2ndes7: video games

http://au.tv.yahoo.com/sunrise/video/-/watch/30236803/video-game-addiction/ et http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/xbox-marathon-boy-collapse-150928818.html

A 15-year-old Ohio boy collapsed after a four-day Xbox marathon, his parents say.
The boy was holed up in his bedroom for the majority of the weekend playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, a "first-person shooter" game.
According to NBC's Columbus affiliate, the boy collapsed several times on Tuesday, hours after emerging from his room. He was hospitalized and treated for severe dehydration.
Jessie Rawlins, the boy's mother, told WCMH-TV that he turned very pale and his lips "became a disturbing blue color."
"I was very scared," Rawlins said. "I thought he was going to die. He just fell over three times."
The boy is expected to recover, but won't be playing video games anytime soon. "The Xbox is gone," Rawlins said.
The dangers of hard-core gaming and so-called video game addiction have long been debated.
In 2007, the American Psychiatric Association considered including "video game addiction" in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) but decided against it.
In 2009, an Ohio teenager was found guilty of murdering his mother and shooting his father after they would not allow him to play Halo 3. His defense team argued that he was addicted to video games.
Earlier this year, a Taiwanese teenager collapsed and died at an Internet cafe after playing Diablo III, an online video game, for 40 consecutive hours without eating, according to local media reports. A similar death was reported in South Korea in 2005.
Dr. Mike Patrick, an emergency physician at Nationwide Children's Hospital, told The Associated Press he recommends common sense when gaming: "Get plenty of food and fluids, take breaks for physical activity, and put the controller down now and then to get some decent sleep."

2)Michael Phelps' Call of Duty obsession may be destructive video-game addiction, expert says

That prompted Liz Woolley, founder of Online Gamers Anonymous, to warn the swimming superstar about the pitfalls of spending too much time in front of the screen in role-playing mode.
"Any time you get up to more than a couple of hours per day regularly, it can start to interfere with your normal life, your job, your family, your friends and your social life," Woolley said.
Michael Phelps is at "high risk" of developing a dangerous addiction to online gaming. (AP)Michael Phelps is at "high risk" of developing a dangerous addiction to online gaming. (AP)"But it can be even more dangerous for people like [Phelps] who are highly driven and competitive, which of course elite athletes and swimmers have to be. The games can be used as an escape from the pressures of training or competition, but it has to be moderated carefully or it can have terrible repercussions.
"A lot of the people who have the worst problems with this addiction are very high achievers. A successful, motivated individual, combined with a high number of playing hours(...)For a while at least, his video game hobby will need to be placed on pause.
"I really only play Xbox," Phelps said. "I have been playing a lot of Call of Duty recently. I find myself playing like 30 hours per week. People don't know it's [me]. I just get crushed. I always find myself getting heated, trash talking. And you know it is a 10-year-old kid on the other line that just demolished me. It is so frustrating. But it is fun, I am very competitive in everything I do."
Studies conducted at London's Hammersmith Hospital in 2005 found that dopamine levels in players' brains doubled while competing in video games, which officially makes the games chemically addictive.
According to video-game-addition.org addiction to games such as Call of Duty, with its life-like game pattern and graphic violence, can have a negative impact on personal relationships. Other symptoms reported by addicts include carpal tunnel syndrome, migraines, sleep disturbances, backaches and eating irregularities.

dimanche 25 novembre 2012

atelier AM1: hotel booking

1)Comprehension orale et exercice lexical :http://esl-lab.com/hotelreservations/hotelreservationsrd1.htm
2)Regardez la vidéo et relevez les conseils les plus pertinents pour réserver une chambre d’hôtel au meilleur rapport qualité/prix.
Quelles sont les questions que l’on doit poser à l’agence de voyage  ou à la réception de l’hôtel afin de se renseigner ?


Explore Our Hotel

Our London hotel is ideally situated next to the London Eye and near Big Ben, Covent Garden and the vibrant South Bank.
Top among hotels near the London Eye, enjoy spectacular views of the River Thames and Big Ben when you enjoy private dining.

Plan Groups, Events & Meetings13 meeting rooms

6,060 sq ft of total meeting space

Largest meeting room is Parliament Suite with maximum meeting space of 1,163 sq ft and maximum seating capacity of 100
Maximum of 10 breakout meeting room(s)

Business Meetings & Services

  • All meeting rooms feature high-speed wireless internet access.
  • Impeccable cuisine for all types of business meetings, conferences & bespoke private dining.
  • Dedicated event managers will handle all details to create a dynamic, successful event
  • All private dining & meeting rooms offer natural daylight and individual climate control.
  • Hotel with business centre offering copy, fax, internet kiosk, airline boarding pass check-in.
  • All Day Delegates enjoy complimentary access to the Club at County Hall on the day of their meeting.

    Equipment and Services

    Business Equipment

    • Computers
    • Printers

    High-speed Internet access

    Meeting Rooms:Wired, Wireless

    Business Services

    • Copy service
    • Fax service
    • Fee for each additional page of outgoing fax
    • Fee for first page of incoming fax
    • Full-service business center
    • Network/Internet printing
    • On-site Business Center is Staffed
    • Overnight delivery/pickup
    • Post/parcel
    • Secretarial service
    • Translator

    Meeting Equipment

    • 35 mm projector
    • AV equipment
    • CD player
    • Film projector
    • LCD projector
    • Microphone
    • Overhead projector
    • PA system portable
    • Rear screen projection
    • Stage: installed
    • Stage: portable
    • TV
    • Video camera

vendredi 23 novembre 2012

AM1 :Will Jack and Jessica have the same career opportunities?

Faites-en un compte-rendu en vous aidant de la methode donnée/ donnez votre avis
(Domaines abordés : éducation/emplois au sein de l'entreprise/Promotion et perspectives de carrière/retraite)
WORDS and expressions to remember :
Glass ceiling :  le plafond de verre qui limite l’ascension professionnelle
Discriminatory : discriminatoire / to be prejudiced against
The payroll : la masse salariale/ labour force : la main d’oeuvre
Career prospects : les perspectives d’emploi
To value : apprécier, estimer/ an assessment : une évaluation
Top jobs/positions of responsibility/decision-making positions
A clerk, an employee : employé de bureau
an increasing number of women are entering the profession : Le secteur/la profession se féminise 
largely male profession : Profession  essentiellement masculine
to retire : prendre sa retraite/ retirement age : âge de la retraite
To tackle : s’attaquer à/ to fight, struggle against/ taking legal actions against

1ères S1 m:Worker, 2 Black Friday Shoppers Killed

Black Friday is the day followingThanksgiving Day in the United States, traditionally the beginning of the Christmas shopping season. On this day, many retailers open very early, often at 4 a.m., or earlier, and offer promotional sales to kick off the shopping season, similar to Boxing Day sales in manyCommonwealth countries. Black Friday is not actually a holiday, but many employers give their employees the day off, increasing the number of potential shoppers. It has routinely been the busiest shopping day of the year since 2005.
Recent years have seen a marked increase in extreme chaos resulting from people's desires to take advantage of Black Friday sales.During Black Friday 2010, a Madison, Wisconsin woman was arrested outside of a Toys 'R' Usstore after cutting in line, and threatening to shoot other shoppers who tried to object.Toys for Totsvolunteer in Georgia was stabbed by a shoplifter. An Indianapolis woman was arrested after causing a disturbance by arguing with other Wal-Mart shoppers. She had been asked to leave the store, but refused .(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday_(shopping)
2)Today's pictures of "Black Friday" http://www.voanews.com/media/photogallery/1551569.html?z=0&zp=1

jeudi 22 novembre 2012



TES1 : Gattaca - Movie Trailer

In the not-too-distant future, a less-than-perfect man wants to travel to the stars. Society has categorized Vincent Freeman as less than suitable given his genetic make-up and he has become one of the underclass of humans that are only useful for menial jobs. To move ahead, he assumes the identity of Jerome Morrow, a perfect genetic specimen who is a paraplegic as a result of a car accident. With professional advice, Vincent learns to deceive DNA and urine sample testing. Just when he is finally scheduled for a space mission, his program director is killed and the police begin an investigation, jeopardizing his secret.(IMDB)

10 Big Science and Technology Advances to Watch:With so many remarkable things happening in the science and tech worlds, it’s hard to choose which to talk about. Here are a few ongoing developments worth keeping your eyes on.

TES1 :Designer Babies?

CBS news :

Designer Babies?

March 3, 2009 5:00 AM
A fertility doctor says that he can help parents choose a lot more than the baby's gender. Hattie Kauffman reports on the controversy surrounding designer babies.
genetic engineering
(Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Genetics) alteration of the DNA of a cell for purposes of research, as a means of manufacturing animal proteins, correcting genetic defects, or making improvements to plants and animals bred by man
designer baby
(Medicine / Gynaecology & Obstetrics) Informal a baby that is the product of genetic engineering
genetically modified organism
genetically modified organism 
An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered using the techniques of genetic engineering.
A Closer Look Scientists today have the ability to modify the genetic makeup of plants and animals, and even to transfer genes from one species to another.Examples include plants being modified for pest resistance; lab animals being manipulated to exhibit human diseases, such as sickle cell anemia; and even glowing jellyfish genes inserted in a rabbit for an art piece. GMOs show great promise in improving agriculture. Plants could be engineered to better tolerate temperature or weather extremes, to contain various vitamins, or to dispense medicines and vaccines. Many think genetically modified foods have the potential to end world hunger. On the other hand, there are fears that the disease- or pest-resistant genes inserted into crop plants might escape into other plants, creating hard-to-control superweeds. There is also the possibility of unexpected effects on other flora and fauna, the risk of agriculture being controlled by biotech companies, and, as with any new technology, problems that are yet unknown.

TCFE :The Boat that Rocked/music in the 60s

2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjffOyS-zgQ: the 60's music

3)http://www.history.com/videos/ask-steve-the-60s-music#john-lennon-most-outspoken-beatle John Lennon
4)http://www.history.com/videos/bob-marleys-influence#bob-marleys-influence: Bob Marley's influence

jeudi 15 novembre 2012

CGO2: CNN Report - Black Gold film shakes up coffee industry

Definition of Fair Trade

Fair Trade is a tool for reducing poverty in developing nations. It's a form of trade that buildsequitable and long-term partnerships between producers in developing regions of the world and consumers in the north. Fair Trade guarantees many things including the following.
Producers receive a minimum set price for their goods, financial and technical support, healthy and safe working conditions, economicdevelopment of their communities, and educational  opportunities for their children.
Consumers receive excellent products plus the peace of mind that comes with knowing  they are actively addressing poverty,  preserving the environment, and promoting an end to child labor.
The planet receives a chance at health and healing since Fair Trade actively promotes sustainable farming techniques, biodiversity, and bird and animal habitat preservation.
Fair Trade Certified products receive third party certification by IMO FairTradeUSA or others. In the US, it is mostly foods that are Certified, and they include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa , spices, honey, sugar, vanilla, molasses, rice and quinoa, olive oil, avocados, bananas and other tropical fruits. There are also certified  flowers and clothing.(Source : firstfairtradetownusa.org/fair-trade)
Other definition of Fair Trade :http://www.justearth.org.au/Fair-Trade-Facts.html ( Why fair trade/definition and goals )
Fair Trade Facts
  • An estimated 5 million people around the world (producers and their dependants) benefit from Fair Trade.
  •  Over 500 producer organisations in 58 developing countries are registered as Fair Trade.
  •  Africa is the fastest growing Fair Trade region with approximately 124 producer organisations in 20 countries certified to Fair Trade standards.
  •  Europe is the biggest market for Fair Trade products, accounting for 60-70% of global Fair Trade sales.
  •  Fair Trade still represents less than1% of all international trade.

dimanche 11 novembre 2012

1eres S1 : McDonald's

Super Size Me is a 2004 American documentary film directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock, an American independent filmmaker. Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period from February 1 to March 2, 2003 during which he ate only McDonald's food. The film documents this lifestyle's drastic effect on Spurlock's physical and psychological well-being, and explores the fast food industry's corporate influence, including how it encourages poor nutrition for its own profit.
Spurlock dined at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the chain's menu at least once. Spurlock consumed an average of 20.92 megajoules or 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment.
As a result, the then-32-year-old Spurlock gained 24½ lbs. (11.1 kg), a 13% body mass increase, acholesterol level of 230, and experienced mood swingssexual dysfunction, and fat accumulation in his liver. It took Spurlock fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment using a vegandiet supervised by his future wife, a chef who specializes in gourmet vegan dishes.
The reason for Spurlock's investigation was the increasing spread of obesity throughout U.S. society.

Watch the beginning of the movie  on this site :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9zJv1JvQ_A, or the full movie =http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-eRXuuH9AI
Now you can answer the folllowing questions about the movie
1st part:
 What is the most significant adjective in this passage? How many times can you find it? Do you know any equivalents/synonyms?
2nd part:
a) Match the figures with what they correspond to:

has doubled
100 million
three times as many one in four more than 60 % twice as many
Americans are either overweight or obese the number of overweight people
of the American population
overweight children
overweight adolescents
people in Mississippi are obese
b) From the figures given, can you infer the total population in the US? ........................
c) In the script, highlight the structures used to express comparisons:

1. Compare the eating habits of families from before and now. ................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................
2. Does smoking cause more deaths than obesity in the US? Use the following phrases in your answers: more lethal than, lower number of deaths than, not as fatal as.
...................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................
3. How many obesity-related deaths are there every year?
 4. What does the verb "to sue" mean in "they sued the bastards"?
page1image16408 page1image16568
a) suer sang et eau
b) suivre dans la rue
c) poursuivre en justice

5. Draw the portraits of the two girls.
Girl A Age: Size:
Girl B
Size: Weight:
Compare these two girls: ........................................................................................................................
6. What did the girls decide to do?

jeudi 18 octobre 2012

Terminales :First Man on the Moon(Progress/Myths and heroes)

(CBS News) Neil Armstrong, the Apollo 11 astronaut who became the first human being to set foot on another world, has died. He was 82.
He was described by his family as a "reluctant American hero who always believed he was just doing his job."
Famous sentence which made History :That's one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind.