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jeudi 15 novembre 2012

CGO2: CNN Report - Black Gold film shakes up coffee industry

Definition of Fair Trade

Fair Trade is a tool for reducing poverty in developing nations. It's a form of trade that buildsequitable and long-term partnerships between producers in developing regions of the world and consumers in the north. Fair Trade guarantees many things including the following.
Producers receive a minimum set price for their goods, financial and technical support, healthy and safe working conditions, economicdevelopment of their communities, and educational  opportunities for their children.
Consumers receive excellent products plus the peace of mind that comes with knowing  they are actively addressing poverty,  preserving the environment, and promoting an end to child labor.
The planet receives a chance at health and healing since Fair Trade actively promotes sustainable farming techniques, biodiversity, and bird and animal habitat preservation.
Fair Trade Certified products receive third party certification by IMO FairTradeUSA or others. In the US, it is mostly foods that are Certified, and they include: coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa , spices, honey, sugar, vanilla, molasses, rice and quinoa, olive oil, avocados, bananas and other tropical fruits. There are also certified  flowers and clothing.(Source : firstfairtradetownusa.org/fair-trade)
Other definition of Fair Trade :http://www.justearth.org.au/Fair-Trade-Facts.html ( Why fair trade/definition and goals )
Fair Trade Facts
  • An estimated 5 million people around the world (producers and their dependants) benefit from Fair Trade.
  •  Over 500 producer organisations in 58 developing countries are registered as Fair Trade.
  •  Africa is the fastest growing Fair Trade region with approximately 124 producer organisations in 20 countries certified to Fair Trade standards.
  •  Europe is the biggest market for Fair Trade products, accounting for 60-70% of global Fair Trade sales.
  •  Fair Trade still represents less than1% of all international trade.

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