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jeudi 22 novembre 2012

TES1 :Designer Babies?

CBS news :

Designer Babies?

March 3, 2009 5:00 AM
A fertility doctor says that he can help parents choose a lot more than the baby's gender. Hattie Kauffman reports on the controversy surrounding designer babies.
genetic engineering
(Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Genetics) alteration of the DNA of a cell for purposes of research, as a means of manufacturing animal proteins, correcting genetic defects, or making improvements to plants and animals bred by man
designer baby
(Medicine / Gynaecology & Obstetrics) Informal a baby that is the product of genetic engineering
genetically modified organism
genetically modified organism 
An organism whose genetic characteristics have been altered using the techniques of genetic engineering.
A Closer Look Scientists today have the ability to modify the genetic makeup of plants and animals, and even to transfer genes from one species to another.Examples include plants being modified for pest resistance; lab animals being manipulated to exhibit human diseases, such as sickle cell anemia; and even glowing jellyfish genes inserted in a rabbit for an art piece. GMOs show great promise in improving agriculture. Plants could be engineered to better tolerate temperature or weather extremes, to contain various vitamins, or to dispense medicines and vaccines. Many think genetically modified foods have the potential to end world hunger. On the other hand, there are fears that the disease- or pest-resistant genes inserted into crop plants might escape into other plants, creating hard-to-control superweeds. There is also the possibility of unexpected effects on other flora and fauna, the risk of agriculture being controlled by biotech companies, and, as with any new technology, problems that are yet unknown.

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