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dimanche 16 décembre 2012

CNN :Gun control: Change is possible -- and fast

1)Obama 'Sceptical' About More Guns In Schools :The president vows to do all he can to prevent a re-occurrence of what he called the "worst day" of his presidency.Barack Obama has voiced scepticism about proposals to put armed guards in schools, following the Sandy Hook massacre of 20 children and six adults.http://news.sky.com/story/1031611/obama-sceptical-about-more-guns-in-schools

http://edition.cnn.com/2012/12/16/opinion/australia-gun-laws/index.html?eref=editionDecember 16, 2012 
3)How will Newtown shootings change the US gun debate?http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20742508 (Report+video)
The Connecticut school shootings have horrified America. But what impact, if any, will they have on the nation's gun laws?Gun, US flag4)Obama's tears(Video):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP1blMoveZY
Barack Obama en larmes suite à la fusillade de Newton et appelle à la solidarité nationale

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