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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 12 septembre 2011

BTS CO1 :The best job in the world

BEST JOB IN THE WORLD :  comprehension & communication exercise

 Object of the game : Getting a job/finding the proper employee/asking for and providing information.

GROUP A :  you are the head hunters working for Queensland Tourist  Board. Your task : finding  the  best appliquant among  the 34,000 competitors for the « best job in the world 

Task 1 : Gather as much information as possible on the job and fill in the following grid.
You will find further information on the following websites : http://islandreefjob.com/ about-the-best-job+http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/6924614/Best-job-in-the-world-took-its-toll-on-tired-Briton.html

Job title :

Start date :

Duration :

Company description :

Position offered :

Location :

Job description :

Salary /remuneration:

Working conditions :

Essential requirements :
languages spoken
Work experience

Essential qualities required :

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