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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 12 septembre 2011

BTS CO Best Job in the World /Group B

BEST JOB IN THE WORLD :  comprehension & communication exercise

 Object of the game : Guetting a job/finding the proper employee  / asking for and providing information.

GROUP  B : you have seen the « Best Job in the World » campaign launched on TV and , as a job seeker,  have decided to apply for the job .
Task 1 : Browse the following websites to guess the profile of the applicants and prepare your CV accordingly.(See Group A)

Task 2 : Write down  your arguments to convince the  recruiter that you are the best  person for the  job . Ask for further information.
Focus on :
-Your work experience :

- your motivation for the job :

-skills (+Computer literacy, languages spoken…)

-Personal assets :

-Your interests

-why you would like to work abroad :

-what experience you expect to gain from it :

Task 3 :BOTH GROUPS : ACT OUT THE SCENE at the job center :
 Students from both  groups will mingle interviewing or being interviewed as many times as possible, then members from group A will elect the best appliquant from  group B, and explain why .

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