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dimanche 15 septembre 2019

2ndes : Oprah Shines Light On Great Pacific Garbage Patch (VIDEO).flv

Oprah Shines Light On Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Facts : fill in the blanks with words from the video

Scientists believe the …………’s…………garbage dump is in the ……………….ocean ; it is estimated it is …………the size of……..
 The great Pacific ………………pack stretches from the ………….of California all the way to…………. In some places the man-made debris is …………../ …       deep.
Marine biologists estimate that ………….% of the ……million tons of floating trash is all……………. 
In some parts of the ocean there’s already …………….times ………..plastic than plankton, which is …………../    many fish rely on……………..

Causes : Right or wrong ? Correct the mistakes

-People throw their trash directly into the rivers
-70% of plastic comes from the land
-Storms blows the trash to the sea

Make sentences using causes and consequences+causes+ or concession ( Even if/despite/however...)

A The monumental amount of plastic trash / marine mammals / cigarette lighter / the birds’stomachs/ albatros / young turtle / plankton
B  /create an ecological disaster /cost the lives of millions of sea birds/die/caught in fish net ring/Are full of plastic/managed to survive/ disappears/ swallow

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