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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 2 septembre 2019

1ere / Tale First Man - Official Trailer (HD)

Watch the trailer and answer the following questions.
Fill in the following chart about the main characters :
Comment on their relationship.
Is the man portrayed as an American hero ?

b/ What is the atmosphere of the trailer ? Pick out elements (images, music, words...) to justify your answer.
 PERSONALITY (circle the correct words)
quiet loud extrovert funny talkative loving impatient talented enthusiastic introvert excited terrorized humble bad-tempered lunatic caring vain anxious
stressed ambitious vain angry realistic fearful happy loving worried relaxed busy enthusiastic supportive reliable strong excited funny cool caring calm

c/ Which genre(s) does the film belong to ? Justify your answer(s).


Comment on the slogan « Experience the impossible journey ». 

d/ How is the story of the first Apollo mission presented ? 
in your opinion, is this more a film about a man, or a film about history / space discovery? What makes you think so ? 

e/ In a famous 1962 speech President John Fitzgerald Kennedy said : « We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard ». Say what is hard about going to the moon in the trailer. 

Can you think of other difficulties the Apollo Missions had ?
3 / Put the video into perspective
a/ Comment on the title of the film. What/ who does it refer to ? What else could it refer to ? 

b/ Watch the original moonlanding video and compare it to the First Man trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwZb2mqId0A 

What do you think of Damien Chazelle’s recreation of the historic event ? 

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