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lundi 4 novembre 2019

2ndes / History Brief: The Harlem Renaissance

HARLEM HISTORY PART 3/ The Harlem Renaissance

1° Period of time refered to : 1700’s/ 1800’s/1900’s/  ?
2°Fill in the blanks:
Harlem is a ………………………………….in NYC Which has a very large …………………………../……………………………./ ………………………………
3°What happened during the “ Great Migration” ? Write key words or ideas in French

4°The Harlem Renaissance : was an ……………/ and…………………explosion in 19……with various types of artists  which included …………………./ ……………………………../…………………………../……………………………/…………………………../

Key component :                                                        style : 

6°Name one or 2  famous artists of the time :

7°Topics Black intellectuals discussed : which one is NOT mentioned in the audio ?
impact of the Harlem Renaissance
What was the image of Blacks BEFORE  1920 ? ( Write key words)
AFTER  the Harlem Renaissance ?

9° Right or Wrong ? White musicians rejected African American music

Summarize in French what the Harlem Renaissance is ( Who ? When? Where ? What ? Why ? Impact)

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