Située dans l’Ecosse médiévale, cette pièce raconte l'histoire de Macbeth, seigneur écossais, et de son étrange rencontre avec trois sorcières qui lui prophétisent qu'il deviendra roi.
Macbeth se transforme alors en un homme égoïste et ambitieux. Poussé par sa femme, il décide de tuer le roi Duncan pour devenir souverain. Mais pour dissimuler son crime, il est contraint à des meurtres de plus en plus nombreux… Il y a toujours un revers à la médaille et le couple sanguinaire commence à souffrir de visions inquiétantes, d'insomnies, et de tourments intérieurs. Macbeth succombe aux puissances du mal et ses crimes finissent par fausser son jugement, empoisonner son imagination et le laisser complètement seul et isolé.
(none) | Print-friendly version MacDuff ends tyrant Thane's ruthless rule The handle toward my hand?
Macbeth (above), Act II, Scene I
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Scotland is once again "the free" this morning, after brave soldier MacDuff cut down butchering bigwig Macbeth.
Murderer Macbeth's relentless rise to power began when he ran into three creepy crones who predicted he'd one day be king. Driven by ambition, he plunged Scotland into a reign of terror, killing anyone who stood in his way. Wicked Wife Egged on by his bitter, unstable wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's first horrific crime was to stab rightful King |
Duncan to death in a frenzied attack - leaving the throne open for himself.
Then, scared that best mate Banquo suspected him, he arranged for a hit squad to slaughter his old friend. Only by chance did Banquo's young son Fleance escape the three brutal killers who ended his dad's life. From then on, no-one in Scotland was safe. Men, women and children, including MacDuff's own family, were massacred in their own homes. But the | |||||
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