Anti-poverty group ONE has today unveiled a new video appeal titled 'The F Word: Famine is the Real Obscenity' to help focus the world's attention again on the famine and food crisis in the Horn of Africa. Created by Emmy-award-winning director Jesse Dylan and featuring Somali-born singer and poet K'naan with some of the biggest names from music and entertainment, the video appeal marks the launch of ONE's 'Hungry No More' campaign

Group work : your gap year project.
a)Interview : you have just come back from your gap year abroad and you are applying for university in England. Explain to the recruiting manager what your gap year experience consisted in and the assets you gained from it for your future studies.
Student 1: recruiter interviewing the students
students 2 and 3 : gappers
b)You are planning to take a gap year abroad, you've planned to join a gap year association to help you finance and organize your trip. Prepare for the interview.
Student 1 : "gapyear-abroad" rep enquiring about the project and suggesting possible destinations
students 2 and 3 : gap year applicants
Be creative !

Group work : your gap year project.
a)Interview : you have just come back from your gap year abroad and you are applying for university in England. Explain to the recruiting manager what your gap year experience consisted in and the assets you gained from it for your future studies.
Student 1: recruiter interviewing the students
students 2 and 3 : gappers
b)You are planning to take a gap year abroad, you've planned to join a gap year association to help you finance and organize your trip. Prepare for the interview.
Student 1 : "gapyear-abroad" rep enquiring about the project and suggesting possible destinations
students 2 and 3 : gap year applicants
Be creative !
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