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lundi 8 mai 2017

BTS AM1 : Tour of a fake Apple Store in China

BTS AM1 : Amazon counterfeiting concerns: Brands want online retailer to crack dow...

TS / plan dernière notion : Spaces and exchanges

The Hispanic immigration in the USA/ Spaces and Exchanges

" The notion I am going to deal with is « Spaces and Exchanges ». To begin with, I’ld like to give a definition of the notion :« An exchange is an act of giving and receiving something else in return. A continuous circulation of people, ideas, or money . »
To illustrate this notion i have chosen to deal with the topic of the Hispanic immigration in the USA. For this topic « spaces and exchanges » can be associated with the circulation of people across the  border, economic, social but also cultural exchanges. The space we are going to deal with is the US-Mexican border separated by a wall.

INTRO : D.Trump promised during the elections  he would extend the US-Mexico border wall to curb the Mexican immigration to the USA and therefore preserve the Englishness of the country/ English as the dominant language of the USA. (Give Statistics about the latino poulation in the USA)

We can  thus wonder :

What is the impact of the Hispanic immigration on the US economy/ society and personal exchanges at the US-Mexico border ?

OU  What are the different types of exchanges at the US-Mexico border ? What is the impact of such exchanges on people's lives ?

1°Why such exchanges and circulation across the border ? The push and pull factors of the Hispanic immigration in the USA (Different  populations and motivations for coming in the USA )

 2° The US_Mexico border : the wall issue
Conflicting economical / political / environmental and social views about the Hispanic  immigration to the USA

A° Trumps arguments  in favor of its extention
B° Counter arguments/ arguments against the wall

 3°Social and cultural exchanges : A « Tex –Mex » population

Conclusion :  Is immigration detrimental or beneficial to the USA ? or more generally to any countrys economy  or society. Summarize and give your opinion

Branching out : this leads us to the notion « Myth and heroes » through the  myth of the USA dream, which is the main push & pull  factor of the Hispanic immigration to the USA

Attention de baser votre présentation sur les documents étudiés en classe (Vidéo ou/et textes), citez les sources.

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