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Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !

lundi 19 janvier 2015

TL : Spaces and exchanges/ Australia's stolen generation

Rabbit-Proof Fence is a 2002 Australian drama film directed by Phillip Noyce based on the book Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence by Doris Pilkington Garimara. It is based on a true story concerning the author's mother, as well as two other mixed-race Aboriginal girls, who ran away from the Moore River Native Settlement, north of Perth,
Western Australia, to return to their Aboriginal families, after being
placed there in 1931. The film follows the Aboriginal girls as they walk for nine weeks along 1,500 miles (2,400 km) of the Australian rabbit-proof fence to return to their community at Jigalong, while being pursued by white law enforcement authorities and an Aboriginal tracker

2) Video 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWjGteDg9VE 


4) documentary

dimanche 18 janvier 2015

BTS AM : retailing/black Friday shopping


Black Friday - in 60 seconds

28 November 2014 Last updated at 15:16 GMT
Retailers are forecasting record online sales as part of pre-Christmas discounting.
Black Friday - originally a big sales day in the US - is now being adopted by more and more shops in the UK.
But why is it called 'Black Friday'? The BBC explains.


US retailers have begun their "Black Friday" sales, reopening stores after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Black Friday is usually the busiest shopping day of the year, as the Thanksgiving weekend marks the start of the holiday shopping season.
A survey estimated that 147 million people would go shopping between Friday and Sunday, despite more shoppers going online.

jeudi 15 janvier 2015

TS : bionic eye

When we define the « idea of progress » we usually say that progress is positive: medical progress, social progress, technological progress …all have contributed to our modern-day world being a better place. But how does this technological progress change our lives, is it really a positive change or are we becoming too dependent on new technologies?

1°Bionic eyes :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_cCCcafHlg

Gattaca :Gattaca deals with a future that draws ever-ever closer where parents dictate the genetic makeup of their child. Before gestation, embryos are screened for diseases, addictions and other undesirable qualities, and a so-called "Valid" is produced, a child who has his or her lifetime's potential mapped out for them, with perfect 20/20 vision. This is science fiction operating within the "not-too-distant" future, representing a world which is totally familiar, apart from this central trope of genetic engineering, and the prospect of regular rocket launches to the furthest moons of Saturn. It also deals sensitively with the recurrent sci-fi issues of what exactly it is that constitutes humanity: are these perfect children with flawless genes truly human?

Vincent (Ethan Hawke) is one of the last of the 'In-Valids', conceived in love rather than in a test tube. Upon his birth a DNA test suggests he has a 99% chance of developing a heart defect and dying before he is 30. This condemns him to a life lived in fear of early death, a life where he is a source of constant terror to his parents, where schools bar him for being an insurance liability and where he is denied the chance to achieve his dream — that of being a space pilot. His father tells him "Son, the only time you're going to see the inside of a space shuttle is if you're cleaning it."
But Vincent refuses to accept this brave new world, and seeks a way to deny his genetic destiny. He strikes a deal with a crippled Valid, Jerome (Jude Law), and steals his genetic identity. What makes us who we are? Gattaca's answer to this is biological, a meticulous series of close up shots of skin flakes, eyelashes, urine, pinpricks of blood — all the substances used for DNA testing. Vincent layers the biological fragments that make up Jerome on top of his own identity, and applies for the space programme under a false guise.
2° One of the latest inventions is Google Glass, a pair of glasses which do much more than the average smartphone or computer. Is this kind of technological progress positive or will it lead to people becoming more isolated and more stressed?
A DAY WITH GOOGLE GLASSES (ADVERT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSnB06um5r4

2°GOOGLE GLASSES PROJECT, A video showing a typical day with Google Glass : :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSnB06um5r4

Robots teach kids with autism to playhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm3vE7YFsGM

What Is Charlie Hebdo and Why Was It a Terrorist Target?

dimanche 4 janvier 2015


2ndes 7 : cluedo advertisement


1)    Type of document:
2)    Keywords:



3)    Topic:
4)    How many voices? Who is talking?
5)    Stills:

What did you see









6)    Listen and complete:
That’s ……. . ………… by one of ………….But ………… one? That’s
the ……………… .
The ……………… hadn’t got a …………….. Hadn’t even found a
……………….   ……………… But I know………………………Do you? Cluedo, …………….. noone!
……………….. anyone!

WHODUNIT: Test your Awareness with Do The Test's Whodunnit. Who
Killed Lord Smithe? How observant are you? How did you do?


1.What type of document is it?
2. Keywords you heard.
3. Topic.
4. Who are the characters?
5. What were they doing at the time of the murder?
6. Who is the murderer? How did he know ?
7. Focus on the last question. Why do you think the
detective says so?
8. Now watch the end of the video. What’s the real
topic of the document?

2°WHODUNNIT :test your awareness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubNF9QNEQLA