To help you, don't hesitate to visit the following sites /easy software to edit your section page:
Go on these websites which will provide useful examples :
Choose one section:
1- Politics/economics
2- Sports
3- Cinema/TV reviews
4- Gossip News
5- Fashion
6- Weather forecast
7-Music/video games
Your section page must contain:
- your newspaper’s name
- your motto
- the date / your names
- your section’s name
- 1 or 2 articles
- 2 images
- your sources (on the image and at the end of your article.)
Your article must contain:
- a headline
- a lead (Who?What? Where? When? Why? How? )
- your name must appear below your lead
- 200 words
Headline : usually only four or five words. It tries to attract the interest of the reader by telling them what the story is about, in a short and interesting way.
By line : Who wrote the article.
Introduction : It will set the scene and summarise the mains points of the article : who, what, when, where.
Body : Provides more details about the event, in particular it answers the questions how and why.
Quotes : Sometimes articles will include what a person (like an eyes-witness or an expert) has said. These will be in speech marks.
Photograph and caption -sometimes articles have photograph, and a sentence explaining the photograph.
- a newspaper: un journal
- a magazine: un magazine
- a cover : une 1ère de couverture de magazine / a front page
- # to cover a story: rapporter une nouvelle
- the front page: première page d’un journal
- a columnist: un journaliste qui écrit pour une colonne de journal.
- the news / a news: les nouvelles, l’actualité, une nouvelle, tjrs au pluriel(Accord SINGULIER)
- a headline: un gros titre
- to hit the headlines: faire la une, les gros titres
- a close-up: un gros plan
- a camera: un appareil photo ou une caméra.
- gossip: la rumeur / les rumeurs
- tabloids: presse à scandale / the gutter press
- broadsheets: journal ‘plein format’ / sérieux. (broad: large /sheet: feuille de papier)
- ads: les pubs