Welcome to Mrs Le Nair's diary
Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !
mardi 26 novembre 2013
Echange franco- américain
A l’attention des familles participant à l’échange
Chers parents,
Nous vous rappelons de bien
vouloir nous faire parvenir impérativement
avant le samedi 7 décembre le
deuxième acompte, soit un montant de 370
euros, à l’ordre de l’agent comptable du lycée Perrin.
Merci de bien vouloir
également joindre un RIB afin que
nous soyons en mesure de vous reverser un reliquat éventuel après le voyage aux
En cas d’absence de votre
enfant veuillez adresser votre courrier directement au secrétariat de l’intendance,
à l’attention de Mme Guillerm.
Bien cordialement
Mesdames K.Le Nair, V.Jaubert
dimanche 24 novembre 2013
2ndes 7:Dracula Trailer 2013
1)Exercice d’expression orale
Watch both trailers : Dracula / Twilight
Pick up words you have understood in the trailers
and compare (Opposition/ similarities):
-titles :
-genre (and clues):
-the 3 main characters :
age/ appearance/relationship
-the plot (Story) : use modal
-the setting (Places)
-the music (Use adjectives
to qualify it)
-the atmosphere
-symbols related to vampires
Which one do you prefer ? Why ? (Preference/opinion)
3) Exercices de compréhension
orale : movies
http://www.audio-lingua.eu/spip.php?article615 :
Vidéo (VO) sur les origines
du mythe des vampires
Vampire legends have permeated many cultures but is there any
truth to the blood sucking un-dead?
Halloween : idioms of fear
1-What are the adjectives
the narrator uses to qualify himself ?
2-What is special
about the village he is visiting ? (Use a superlative)
3-Where is the narrator
going ?
4-Explain who are the
"white and red ladies".
5-What can't you do when you
are afraid, according to the narrator ?
6-What do ghosts do in
the pub ?
7-Is it "the dark or
black" horse ?
8-What does the narrator
want to do at the end , Why ? (Use the expression : to want someone to do sty:
vouloir que qqun fasse qqchose)
Pick up 3 idioms of fear
What could be the French
equivalents ?
Listen again and give me 2
equivalents for "to be afraid"
2ndes 7 :Dracula
The Gothic
Compare 2 or 3 posters using expressions of
similarities and opposition.
Which genre do they belong
to ? Name 4 different genres.
Which one do you prefer and
why ? (Use preference and opinion)
Do you like horror movies ?
Explain why or why not .
vendredi 22 novembre 2013
vendredi 15 novembre 2013
jeudi 14 novembre 2013
VIDEO http://rt.com/shows/sophieco/monsanto-control-gmo-danger-622/ (First 5 minutes)
'Monsanto wants total control, covers up grave GMO dangers' - Researcher
mercredi 13 novembre 2013
TS3 : Typhoon Haiyan
CO BBC NEWS: Typhoon Haian
Ships have been evacuated off the coast of southern China, after Typhoon Haiyan triggered strong winds and heavy rain.
After killing thousands of people in the Philippines, the typhoon was downgraded to a tropical storm.
It made landfall in north Vietnam near the border with China, triggering evacuations across the region, as Paul Collins reports.
International aid finally reached the Philippines on Thursday, almost a week after Typhoon Haiyan ravaged the country's coastline.
A US aircraft carrier and its escort of two cruisers brought food and supplies to the region and further help is expected to arrive in the coming days.
Relief efforts across the worst hit areas are now said to be progressing, with many typhoon victims being buried in mass graves.
British and US warships are heading to the Philippines as the UN appeals for aid amid large-scale devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan.
The BBC's John Maguire has been to one UK charity, Shelterbox, which is preparing supplies to send to the Philippines.

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/typhoon-haiyan-us-and-japan-at-forefront-of-rescue-operation-8938489.html independent.co.uk
Typhoon Haiyan: Slow rescue operation puts lives of over four million children at risk in Philippines
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