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Chers élèves, ce blog a été créé afin de faciliter votre apprentissage de l'anglais et vous mettre à portée de "click" les exercices, textes, vidéos ou audios étudiés en classe. Vous pourrez ainsi travailler de façon plus autonome et vous tenir à jour lors de vos absences.
Bonne année scolaire et apprentissage à tous !
lundi 28 janvier 2013
vendredi 25 janvier 2013
Pour Marie...
Si tu aimes une fleur qui se trouve dans une étoile,
C'est doux, la nuit, de regarder le ciel.
(Le Petit Prince, St Exupéry)
Nous ne t'oublierons pas Marie...
C'est doux, la nuit, de regarder le ciel.
(Le Petit Prince, St Exupéry)
Nous ne t'oublierons pas Marie...
mercredi 23 janvier 2013
CGO2 : tourism
Travelling/ the tourist industry
YOUR TASK : You have
recently been hired in the marketing department of the travel agency ECOWORLD , and are in charge of
promoting ecotourism at the
annual Hotel and Tourism Fair which takes place in London.
Get :Prepared
1Choose one destination you wish
to promote /Find information about places of interest, historic sites,
wildlife réservations, nature resorts…
2 Define who your target will be: age group/gender/income
3 Find a hotel-transportation
package you intend to sell / Be precise about the fares , means of transportation (If customers travel low
cost or 1st class, business class, economy class/ by train/ high speed
train …), possible discounts
4 Prepare the brochure for
customers and your arguments (Marketing)
Now convince a group of
experienced travellers to visit the destination you have chosen. Your
presentation should include : an introduction of your company and
destination, an overview of your package ,then show how unique this experience will
be for the tourists.

Definition of ecotourism :Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as an alternative to standard commercial (mass) tourism. Its purpose may be to educate the traveller, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development of local communities, or to promote respect for different cultures and for human rights. Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where flora, fauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions.
Responsible ecotourism includes programs that minimize the negative aspects of conventional tourism on the environment . Therefore, an integral part of ecotourism is the promotion of recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, and creation of economic opportunities for local communities.
Helpful sites :
jeudi 17 janvier 2013
President Obama Unveils Sweeping Plan to Curb Gun Violence - ABC News
President Obama Unveils Sweeping Plan to Curb Gun Violence - ABC News
In a Nutshell
2)Should civilian possession of handguns and other non-hunting guns be banned or severely restricted?
- Most violent crimes are committed with guns; thus, restricting gun ownership will likely reduce the number of such crimes.
- Lunatics, bullied school kids, disgruntled workers, and others can inflict mass casualties with guns that otherwise wouldn't be possible.
- A crime victim who has a gun may be in more danger than an unarmed person since the criminal may kill in perceived self-defense.
- Suicides and crimes of passion are higher with gun availability, as it's much easier to act immediately on your impulses when a gun is available.
- The 2nd Amendment of the Constitution was targeted towards militia, e.g. the National Guard, rather than individuals.
- Crimes that may have been less harmful can be made more dangerous by adding a gun.
- Legalized gun ownership means guns have a greater chance of falling into the hands of kids, potentially resulting in some deadly accidents.
- Terrorism, school shootings, and other modern circumstances make guns more dangerous nowadays.
- Criminals will always find a way to obtain their guns, leaving law-abiding citizens without any weapons to use in defense.
- Crimes are often prevented by the deterrent effect of the possibility of victim gun possession.
- The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution protects the individual's right to gun ownership.
- Woman and weaker individuals may have no means ofself-defense from rape or other crimes, especially in the inner city.
- Guns in the possession of citizens are an added protection against government tyranny.
- Police are often too overwhelmed to protect all citizens from violent crime.
- Banning guns will create another potentially large source of organized criminal revenue, as a black market for guns will surely develop.
- Banning guns will take away yet another piece of our liberty, which is one more step to socialism and totalitarianism.
- Reasonable gun control & education steps can be put in place, so an outright ban is unnecessary.
jeudi 10 janvier 2013
lundi 7 janvier 2013
TES1:The internet's next big frontier
SPACES AND EXCHANGES In its early days the internet was seen simply as a way of transferring data across large distances but it is now playing an ever increasing part in our lives.
David Reid reports on what is seen as the next big frontier for the web - called the internet of things - allowing you to use your smartphone to control your home heating, pay for parking and even monitor your own fitness.
2ndes7/Terminales ES1: Books VS technology
Essa Academy: Bookless school where everyone has iPad
7 January 2013
A school in Bolton is pushing the boundaries of education by putting away pens and paper and giving all pupils and teachers their own iPad.
The Essa Academy says it helps students and has cut costs, including reducing the school's £80,000 photocopying bill to just £15,000 a year.
BTS AM1: atelier
1)A fresh start on parental leave - but is a fortnight enough for fatherhood?
Plans to give fathers six weeks of paid paternity leave instead of two have been been dropped, Nick Clegg admitted, as he promised to revive the proposal in better economic times.
The Deputy Prime Minister’s plan ran into opposition from business leaders and the Conservatives. Aides said his retreat was an example of “coalition politics at work”, insisting that he was being “pragmatic”. However, fathers-to-be will be allowed to take unpaid leave to attend two antenatal appointments so they can be more involved in the early stages of pregnancy.
Today, a £2m scheme to encourage the creation of 6,000 new childcare businesses will be announced by the Equalities Minister, Maria Miller. Individual child-minders could get government grants of £250 from next April, while women setting up nurseries could receive £500. The money will help to cover legal and insurance costs, health and safety training, equipment and changes to premises.
In her first speech since he appointment in September, Ms Miller will say: “This scheme will provide huge opportunities for female entrepreneurs to start up their own businesses. This is an injection of cash designed to stimulate the sector in tough times.”
Today, Mr Clegg said childcare was one of his top priorities but warned his Conservative Coalition partners he would oppose cuts to red tape if that resulted in rogue nurseries and childminders with poor standards. Elizabeth Truss, the Education Minister, wants childminders to be able to look after five children below the age of five, rather than the current maximum of three.
Outlining a new system of “flexible parental leave” to take effect in 2015, Mr Clegg confirmed that 12 months’ leave, with no more than nine months at guaranteed pay rates, could be split between a mother and father however they chose. All workers will be given the right to request flexible working arrangements.
2)Parents to share maternity leave under new plans
Parents will be able to share maternity leave and pay under family-friendly laws to be announced by David Cameron and Nick Clegg this month.
3) 7 January 2013 :David Cameron described the move as "fundamentally fair", but Labour said it was a "huge assault" on families.
Child benefit changes take effect 5 janvier 2013
Toutes les classes :stage
élèves et parents,
Je serai en stage,
et donc n'assurerai pas mes cours, les lundi 14 janvier et vendredi
18 janvier toute la journée.
En raison du conseil de
classe des BTS, le cours du :
-15 janvier à 15h30 (TSTMG)
sera supprimé également.
Merci de votre compréhension
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